Advanced on-camera acting

with Edward D Fogell

So, you've either mastered the basics of performing for the camera, and you're ready to put your skills to the test, or you need to advance to a more professional level of training under the guidance of an actual film director?  Then this is the workshop for you! This workshop gets you out of the studio so you can experience what it's like on a real film set, plus at the end of the workshop you will get some great footage to add to your demo reel!

As a participant in this workshop series, you'll get to choose a scene you'd like to perform and then get personal direction during rehearsal so that your performance is the best it can be.  Then, when we shoot your scene, we'll actually take you out on location and record your performance with professional gear. When we’re shooting other students’ scenes, you’ll get to experience being a part of the crew and learn how to run the camera, lighting, sound, etc.  Finally, once the workshop series is over, you'll get an edited clip that will look just like a scene from a feature film, and will be the perfect addition to your reel.

If you're just about ready to make the leap into film and TV acting, this program will prepare you with essential skills such as:

  • Appearing natural on screen

  • Creating a consistent performance

  • Staying in character, even when shooting a scene out of order

  • How every member of the crew operates, and how it relates to you, the actor

  • Knowing how to adjust your performance for a close-up, medium shot or establishing shot

  • Creating a relationship with your co-stars

  • Staying calm on a high pressure set

  • Keeping your line delivery fresh, even on your second, fifth or tenth take

  • And more!

To ensure that everyone gets a chance to record a scene and get high quality direction, space in this program will be limited to no more than 12 participants.  This is a very popular workshop series, so don't wait to the last minute to book your spot!

This series is designed for actors who already have some basic training or experience in acting for the camera.  If you're looking for a good starting place, check out our workshop series: "The Actor & The Camera"

*During the first 4-5 weeks of the program, while actors are rehearsing scenes, we will stick to the 2:00pm-5:00pm schedule.  During the second half of the session, once we begin recording your scenes, shoots may be scheduled to start in the morning and run through the evening.  Make sure after the fourth week, you keep your Sundays entirely open. Up to 2 additional weeks of shooting may be added if we are unable to finish shooting every scene by the initial ending date.

Call For Current Schedulings

Acting In Film (Advanced)

On Sundays

Call For Current Schedule and Space Availabilty


$595.00 for 10 weeks

(can be split into 2 or 4 payments)

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